Which Time Clock Integration is Right for You?
We make it easy for Workforce Management Software vendors to develop a fast and secure time clock integration with their time and attendance application. Whether you want to develop your own clock application, you have an existing mobile or web clock application that you want to leverage, or you prefer our full cloud-based integration solution, we are here to help. And best of all, when you become an Accu-Time Systems reseller, you will have access to world-class customer support.
Hardware Only

Choose this option if:
You are developing the time clock’s time collection application software, and the web services or flat file integration with your host application
With this option, you purchase the time clock and you take control of what you develop, from the time clock application and user interface (UI), to the integration into your back-end system.
Hardware and Software

Choose this option if:
You are developing the integration (flat file or web services) with your host application.
With this option, you purchase the time clock, which includes ATS time collection application software. You take control in developing the integration between the software and your back-end system.
Full Cloud Integration

Choose this option if:
You want to provide ATS with an employee data set and accept a punch data set from ATS.
With this option, you take advantage of ATS’ AccuCloud. ATS builds a dedicated hosted instance that integrates with your back-end system. You work with ATS to ensure we have an employee data set to upload.
What we’ll deliver
- Your time clock of choice, built to your specifications.
- Software Development Kit.
- Links to developer tools.
- Ongoing customer support – (Inclusive for all resellers)
What we’ll deliver
- Your time clock of choice, built to your specifications.
- Time collection application and User Interface (UI) configured with your desired workflows
- Corporate branding on the time clock (with some limitations).
- Interface specification document
- Ongoing customer support – (Inclusive for all resellers)
What we’ll deliver
- Your time clock of choice, built to your specifications.
- Time collection application and User Interface (UI) configured with your desired workflows
- Corporate branding on the time clock (with some limitations).
- A dedicated cloud integration instance.
- Employee data set uploads and punch data set downloads.
- Access to AccuCloud Portal and Training on how to use.
- Access to monitoring dashboard to access clock network.
- Ongoing customer support – (Inclusive for all resellers)
Is a Biometric Clocking System Right for Your Business?: Contemplating Biometric Clocking Systems: Are They the Right Solution for Your Business?
Biometric fingerprint identification systems have been around since the late 19th century, where they were used to identify criminals. Fingerprinting mostly remained a law enforcement tool until the 21st century. Now, advanced biometric technologies with high accuracy have much wider application, including improving employee attendance and time tracking.
Incorporating a biometric clocking system into your solution allows you to offer modern and secure technologies to your customers looking for options.
Biometric Clocking System Basics: Fundamentals of Biometric Clocking Systems: From Fingerprint Scanners to Facial Recognition
The purpose of time clocks is to collect the attendance data for each specific employee. Inherent in that task is the need for time clocks to know which employee is doing the clocking in or out. Without being able to identify the employee, the time clock software can’t attach the attendance data accurately to the right employee.
Traditional time clocks typically use the employee ID number, which may be embedded in a swipe badge or barcode, or manually entered into the time clock. That’s how standard clock systems work. Biometric time clock systems identify employees by physical traits that are unique.
Before breaking down how some of the common biometric technologies work, it’s important to clarify a couple technical terms when it comes to biometric technology. A biometric recognition system can be designed either to identify or verify a person. A biometric system used for identification tries to determine who an unknown person is. Biometric time clocks use biometric technology to verify a known person is who they say they are.
Every employee who consents to use the biometric time clock has to first enroll in the system. Enrollment occurs when an employee first gets scanned by the biometric reader to create a personalized template. The template is the encrypted data file the biometric software uses to verify that employee when they want to clock in or out.
Any company using a biometric reader needs to ensure that they’ve reviewed their states mandates in regard to collecting attestations from employees confirming if they consent or decline to use the biometric reader. Every time clock with a biometric reader should consider a secondary reader option or, at minimum, a keypad for an employee PIN to be used for employees who opt out. The company should review its data privacy and security program to ensure that it provides the necessary level of protection to the templates.
Two of the most common types of biometric technologies are fingerprint and facial recognition.
Fingerprint Biometric: Decoding the Science of Fingerprint Biometric Systems: A User-Friendly Guide
Fingerprint biometric software maps out the ridges and swirls of the fingerprint, just as you see with old-fashioned ink. The biometric software is just a lot more precise and sophisticated about how it captures the ridges and swirls, turning each unique swirl and ridge into an arithmetic template or digital code, making it one of the most reliable biometric recognition methods.

Facial Recognition: Understanding Facial Recognition: A Leap into Biometrics for Retail Businesses
The most common type of facial recognition identifies and measures common facial features.
More advanced facial recognition technology uses a three-dimensional facial image to collect more data points.
A newer type of facial recognition technology performs a skin texture analysis and builds the algorithmic template of the data it gathers through that process.
Any company will benefit from the increased efficiency and security biometric time clocks provide. Yet, different industries may have different priorities when it comes to implementing biometric time clocks, which might affect their choice of biometric technology.
For example, organizations with large numbers of employees who don’t work at desks often prioritize speed and efficiency at the time clock. They can’t have their employees standing in line waiting for others to clock in or out. Industries like health care, hospitality, and manufacturing need a smooth transition at shift change. In these environments, a quick fingerprint scan may be preferred. Fingerprint templates use less clock digital memory than handprints and facial scans, which allows for faster data transfer and analysis.
Organizations that prioritize payroll data security may opt for fingerprint vein biometric reader, which is one of the most reliably accurate options. It costs more than general fingerprint recognition, but the additional security may be worth it for companies with that have experienced a lot of time theft through “buddy punching.”
A newer priority, in the wake of Covid-19, is workplace health and safety. An organization may prefer to use a biometric technology option that doesn’t require the employee to touch the scanner.
Fingerprint recognition hits the sweet spot for many companies for reliable accuracy and cost efficiency.
Biometrics and Data Management: All You Need to Know about Biometrics and Data Management and a Crucial Guide Regarding Confidentiality and Legislation
Some companies may be concerned how their employees will feel about biometric technology. As a newer technology, that’s understandable. You can help your customers communicate to their employees how biometric data is handled by answering 6 common questions to all data management.
- Does a company need employee consent to collect biometric data?
Some jurisdictions may require employers to get affirmative, documented consent from employees before collecting biometric data. The local laws may also require employees be allowed to withdraw their consent. Illinois’ Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA) act is considered one of the stricter laws defining how employers handle employee biometric data management.
Separate from legal requirements, it’s good practice for a company to gain prior consent and allow employees to refuse to enroll in a biometric reader program. Because employees must be allowed to opt out, companies using biometric readers need to have at least one other clock-in option on the time clock.
- What data is collected and how is it collected?
Employee biometric scans are collected through the enrollment process. What data is collected depends on the type of biometric reader installed at the time clock. For example, the ATS biometric scanner examines the ridges and size of an individual’s fingerprint, which it converts to data points. These data points are stored as a string of encrypted binary code. An image of the fingerprint is never stored.

- How is the biometric data used?
Biometric data collected by a time clock can be used for more than verifying an employee’s identity when they clock their work hours. When properly configured with the back end software, the ATS time clocks can collect regular attestations from employees, such as whether they witnessed a workplace accident. The time clock uses biometric verification here to confirm who is submitting the attestation.
However, if the company does use employee biometric information, it must be clearly spelled out in the biometric data management policy.
- Where is the data stored?
If you’re using ATS’ AccuCloud or TimeCollect software, all biometric templates are stored on the time clock. We also store an encrypted copy of the same templates on our secure server.
If your customers use your time collection software on the time clock, you want to set up their configuration to create a copy of the templates to a secure server. If the biometric reader hardware malfunctions or gets damaged, having the templates stored on the server will get your customers’ systems up and running quickly. If backups of the biometric templates aren’t stored elsewhere, then employees will have to re-enroll.
Storing biometric templates on a secure server also makes it easy for employees to clock-in and out using a biometric reader at any of your customer’s locations.
- How is the data protected?
Biometric templates are encrypted, the security of the ATS fingerprint reader system here.
- Can an employee have their templates permanently deleted?
The best practice is for company policy to allow this and to clarify how long biometric data that’s no longer needed will be kept. A company’s local applicable law could have requirements regarding about allowing employees to opt-out of participating in biometric systems.
The strictest biometric privacy law currently in effect is the Illinois Biometric Information Privacy Act (BIPA). BIPA sets out policy documentation requirements and requires companies get individual consent from the employee before collecting the biometric information.
Every state has privacy laws that could impose requirements on companies that use biometric technology, including requiring documenting their biometric data management policy.
Always recommend to your customers to familiarize themselves with what labor and privacy laws apply to them that should guide their biometric data management policies.

How a Biometric Time Clock Saves Your Customers Money: Boosting Customer’s Efficiency with Biometric Time Clocks: A Key to Saving Money
Biometric Time Clocks Prevent Employee Time Theft: Biometric Time Clocks: The Industry’s Response to Curb Employee Time Theft
“Buddy punching” adds bloat to payroll that your customers can avoid by using biometric time clocks. Buddy punching happens when a colleague clocks in or out for an employee who’s not there. This adds time to the absent employee’s work hours – time your customers pay in higher labor costs. When the time clock uses a biometric feature to authenticate the employee at the time clock, buddy punching becomes impossible.
Minimizes Employee Line Time: Biometric Systems: Reducing Employee Line Time and Enhancing Workforce Productivity
Biometric scanners work fast, often in seconds. They get employees clocked in or out quickly, so the line keeps moving. Employees can stack up at time clocks during shift change, which frustrates everyone.
Employees don’t like being at work before they’re on the clock, because they’re not getting paid for that time. Financial officers don’t like long lines when employees need to clock out because the company is paying for that time. Managers don’t like lines at the time clock, because no one’s productive standing in line.
What to Ask Potential Biometric Time Clock Partners: Selecting the Right Biometric Time Clock Partners: Key Questions You Should Ask
As you can see, there’s great variation in biometric technologies and software. As you start vetting potential biometric time clock systems vendors, here are some critical questions you need answered.
- Can the biometric time clock meet my needs if my customers scale up their workforce?
You want a fast, secure biometric clock. Many biometric time clock systems store templates on the time clock to keep the authentication process fast. Different biometrics technologies create larger templates, which take more storage space. Find out how many templates a time clock can store and how it can grow as your employee count does.
If you work with a customer base that has high employee counts or expect significant growth, a vendor with a biometric time clock system that stores biometric templates can provide more flexibility and scalability, while maintaining speed and security at the time clock. ATS offers this to partners who choose our software as a part of their offering, and to those that do not.
- What time collection software can I use on the biometric time clock?
Look for a biometric time vendor that provides flexibility regarding the software used at the time clock. Some vendors may require you use their time clock software on their biometric clocks. Others may also work using your solution’s attendance software on the biometric time clock. Being able to integrate your software gives you more control over what you deliver to your customers.
- What level of customer care do you offer for your biometric technology?
You want a full-service vendor that can fully support their hardware and software. For example, the enrollment process is critical to the success of the biometric clock system. What sort of support and assistance does the vendor provide you to help train your customers how to enroll employees on a time clock?
- Can your time clock technology identify where an employee clocks in?
Many companies have employees that work in multiple locations. Knowing the location where an employee clocks in is necessary to meet the labor and payroll compliance requirements, which may vary by location. These, often large, companies need biometric time clocks that can authenticate and clock in employees at different locations and be able to collect the location for each clock in and out.
Accu-Time Systems Biometric Clock System: A Closer Look at Accu-Time Systems’ Biometric Clock Systems: Leveraging Technology for Effective Time Management.
ATS offers a variety of biometric time clock options and the associated data collection software systems that help companies improve their employee time tracking management. We can help you incorporate a biometric clock system into your solution and help keep you moving forward with most advanced technologies.

FAQs on Biometric Clocking System
What are biometric clocking systems and why should businesses consider using them?
A biometric clocking system uses physical traits unique to each employee to track their attendance. Such a system increases efficiency and security in businesses, and helps eliminate time theft. Biometrics can also cater to various needs of different industries, making it a versatile tool for time and attendance tracking.
What are some common types of biometric technologies used in time clock systems?
Two of the most common types of biometric technologies used are fingerprint and facial recognition. Fingerprint biometrics map out the unique ridges and swirls of a fingerprint, while facial recognition uses features of the face to identify and measure common facial features. Some advanced facial recognition systems can even perform a skin texture analysis.
What kind of data is collected by a biometric clocking system and how is it used?
The type of data collected depends on the biometric technology used. For example, fingerprint biometrics capture the unique aspects of an individual’s fingerprint. This data is then converted into an encrypted binary code that’s used to verify the identity of an employee when they clock in or out. This information is used to accurately track employee attendance and can also be used for other purposes such as collecting attestations from employees about workplace incidents.
Where is the biometric data stored and how is it protected?
Biometric data, once converted into templates, is typically stored on the time clock and an encrypted copy is stored on a secure server. The templates are encrypted for security purposes. Backups of biometric templates are stored elsewhere to ensure quick recovery in case of hardware malfunctions or damage.
Can an employee opt out of the biometric clocking system or have their data deleted?
Yes, employees must be allowed to opt out of participating in a biometric system. Companies are also encouraged to allow employees to have their biometric data permanently deleted. The specifics may vary based on local privacy laws and company policies.
Can biometric time clocks prevent employee time theft?
Yes, biometric time clocks are highly effective in preventing “buddy punching”, a form of time theft where one employee clocks in or out for another. Since biometric features are unique to each individual, it’s nearly impossible to fool the system.
What factors should be considered when choosing a biometric time clock system vendor?
Important considerations include whether the system can scale up as your workforce grows, the compatibility of the system with your time collection software, the level of customer care offered by the vendor, and the ability of the system to identify the location where an employee clocks in, which is crucial for companies with multiple locations.
What is the role of consent in the use of biometric clocking systems?
Consent is vital in the use of biometric systems. Some jurisdictions require employers to get documented consent from employees before collecting biometric data. Even in the absence of legal requirements, it’s considered good practice to gain consent and allow employees to refuse to enroll in a biometric system.
How does a biometric clocking system benefit industries with large workforces?
Industries with large workforces, such as healthcare, hospitality, and manufacturing, often prioritize speed and efficiency at the time clock. A biometric clocking system allows for a quick and smooth transition at shift change, minimizing the time employees spend waiting to clock in or out.
Are there biometric options that don’t require the employee to touch the scanner?
Yes, in the wake of Covid-19, many organizations prefer to use biometric technologies that do not require physical touch. These include facial recognition or iris scanning technologies.