To choose the right time and attendance tracking system, you must consider your company’s best interests. You also need to consider the fit for your customers and how the selected time and attendance tracking system will improve their ROI.
What Your Customers are Looking for in a Time and Attendance Tracking System
There are three universal issues that concern all customers as they learn about different time and attendance systems. Their individual business requirements vary, necessitating a solution and vendor that offers flexibility.
1. Time Clock Longevity + Durability
A well-manufactured, durable time clock enhances workforce management by ensuring the greatest uptime. A time clock must weather daily handling by large volumes of employees. Replacing poorly made time clocks gets expensive. They also trigger downtime that undermines automated collection and delivery of attendance data.
2. Ability to Track, Manage and Optimize Employee Schedules
Advanced attendance tracking systems integrate schedules into the time clock. Integrating a scheduling solution with your time and attendance system empowers you to build customizable scheduling functions that enhance your solution and extend it to the time clock. With the stride80, you can build a solution for employee schedules and customized functionality into the time clock software. Employees checking upcoming schedules or submitting time-off requests at the time clock can be standard. The vendor must also provide a programming platform and SDK to give you the flexibility to meet evolving needs quickly.
Only a customizable scheduling add-on will provide the flexibility to address the varying employee scheduling approaches of your customers. Incorporating a time clock with an Android development platform, like the stride80, into your system gives you unlimited power to meet customer needs.
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3. ROI of a Workforce Management System
An optimized time and attendance tracking system does more than provide a return on its costs. A fully integrated solution can also boost the ROI of your customers’ broader workforce management system. Integrating employee self-service functionality or your scheduling software with your time and attend tracking system, can have a significant financial impact. Here are three ways an optimized system helps manage a positive ROI:
· Improving compliance management through precise, secure capture of work hours and enforcing break times at the time clock.
· Reducing labor costs through schedule optimization tools that avoid excessive employee overtime hours or overstaffing.
· Freeing up managers to focus on their high value responsibilities instead of spending hours every week creating and revising employee schedules.

What Your Time Clock Partner Should Manage
The right time clock partner needs to make your life easier and raise your marketability to potential customers.
Provisioning + Deployment
Handling hardware, a departure from your company’s core skills, has a learning curve. One that also comes with administrative and operational costs. Your company shouldn’t have to manage any of this. All aspects of time clock provisioning and shipping should be the vendor’s responsibility, as well as ensuring an easy to manage integration.
The time clock vendor needs to provide your company with a full cloud-based integration solution that includes a turn-key time clock solution, and program that ensures inventory is on hand to quickly configure to your customer’s specifications. Reselling time clocks should be an added revenue channel that grows your profit margin, not your costs.
Cloud Management
Building a cloud-based time clock solution allows time clock vendors to construct an ecosystem around the time clock integration into your system. ATS built its AccuCloud solution to provide seamless cloud-based integration between ATS time clocks and advanced ERP and HCM solutions.
AccuCloud includes time clock software and middleware that work together to validate employee time tracking data before it enters your back-end system. It also has a cloud-based portal through which you can monitor your customer’s time clock deployments. A vendor providing a complete time collection system for resellers, including a time clock, leaves your company free to focus on your core service.
Industry Innovation
Your time clock partner should be proactive in addressing new workforce management challenges. When workplace health and safety concerns heightened, ATS responded quickly with new tools that help companies protect employees: · The IRT, a non-medical thermal monitor that connects to the time clock and determines an employee’s skin temperature. When configured it can use the reading result to prevent employees with high temperatures from punching in. · Swipe-and-Go, created for our Timecom customers, is a time clock workflow that provides a contactless experience, so employees don’t have to touch the time clock.
You should also see a record of product updates that reflect the vendor’s ability to read workforce management trends. Here’s how ATS responded to the changes in how to track employees’ time and attendance in 2021.
Choose a Company that Will Work for You
The time clock vendor that works for you is one that’s also working for your customer. It starts with offering a selection of time clocks that can meet a wide range of attendance tracking requirements and workplace environments. Finding the time clocks that will work for you is the first threshold.
However, you want a time clock partner that’s still there after the clocks are sold and deployed. The quality and responsiveness of ongoing customer support it provides is critical to forging a profitable, long-term relationship.